Turkish FM: Everyone should Focus on Iraq’s Integrity now

Gul implicitly referring to Kurdish groups suggested that some ethnic groups in Iraq act carelessly. He urged that a unified Iraqi identity should be formed and that all segments in Iraq should divert their attentions to Bagdat (Baghdad). "Two elections have been held in Iraq: One on a national level and the other in the provinces. Now, the 275 elected people will prepare an Iraqi constitution. Everyone is aware of the problems; however, there has also been some progress," Gul noted.

On the other hand, Namik Tan, the Spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry, reiterated the Ministry’s policy as, "The future of Iraq will be determined by only Iraqi people themselves" and refuted news articles claiming Turkish support for Kurds in Iraq.

Tan furthermore expressed that none of the ethnic groups in Iraq should break from democratic principles and rules to try to dominate other groups or the others as a whole. He underlined that Turkey’s long voiced concerns regarding Iraq are related to some international issues and not only with concerns about Iraq’s internal affairs that might also disturb stability in the entire region.

Responding to questions in the Chinese city of Shanghai, the Foreign Minister emphasized that the constitution that will be formed after the elections will guarantee Iraq’s unity and integrity. He also signified that Turkey is in favor of Iraqi people making decisions for themselves on all issues. The Minister also highlighted that any decisions regarding the status of Kerkuk (Kirkuk), a matter of great concern to Turkey, should again be taken by the Iraqi people as a whole. Noting: "This issue will be taken into account during the preparation of the constitution. Besides, there are also further elections to be held. While the election process is progressing, the insufficiencies in the elections will also need to be removed. And those political parties, for whichever reasons did not participate in the elections will also be given the chance to join this process," Gul stressed that this matter should be given the utmost importance now.