Turkey’s Service Operation to Iraq

Following the decision taken in principle by the Government and General Staff to send troops to Iraq, preparations were stepped up in the 28th Mechanized Brigade in Mamak, Ankara. Plans include to supply food to 50 thousand Iraqis each day.

Preparations of the "Turkish Peace Brigade" are based on the understanding that "The Turkish troops will go to Iraq not to invade, but to serve and to provide peace." For this reason, social services to be rendered in North-West Baghdad have a special priority in the plans, besides the security dimension.

The Turkish soldiers are also informed of the traditions, customs, needs and ethnic structure of the people living in the region which they will serve. Evaluation reports by the Turkish Embassy in Baghdad are used as a source of information.

Child Disease Specialists will be charged in the Children Unit of the Sahara Hospitals to be set up by Turkey in Iraq , besides providing food three times a day to 40-50 thousand people.

Turkish soldiers will also establish a broad work machine park in the region, to supply water and electric power. Oficials say that the water and electric supply could be operational within 2-3 weeks.

Without overlooking the security dimension, military circles say that, Turkish troops must be administered by a Turkish commander, to implement all these work at the soonest time.