Turkey’s exports to Iraq to rise to $1 bln

Aksoy said, “on numerous occasions, we stressed that Turkey should take its place in rebuilding process of Iraq. Also, we warned our officials to this end. Turkish firms and businessmen will do their utmost to sign business contracts in Iraq. Meanwhile, we, as DEIK, plan to open an office in Iraqi capital Baghdad. The office will be opened in September.”

“We aim at giving information to our businessmen about opportunities and activities in Iraq in cooperation with the Foreign Trade Undersecretariat. Meanwhile, we plan to organize a conference to inform Iraqi businessmen on importance of Turkey,” he said.

Aksoy noted, “for the time being, Iraq needs many goods from clothespin to construction equipment. More than a thousand Turkish businessmen paid visits to Iraq to make business deals.”

Aksoy said that Iraqi businessmen came to Turkey when they wanted to buy something and had deals with Turkish companies and stated, “I’ve been in Iraq last month. I saw shops of Arcelik and Beko there and I was proud of it. Pasabahce officials told me that they received order worth of US$600 million from Iraq. It is an important figure for glass. I see especially companies including Arcelik, Vestel, Profilo and Beko exporting their products in great amount to Iraq. There is a duty-free atmosphere in Iraq currently.”

Reiterating that there was an important purchase in every field in Iraq, Aksoy said that Turkey should take its place in this country to benefit from the market.

“If Turkey wants to have a place in Iraq in the future, it should be beside Iraqi people as of today,” he said and noted that the region was an arena where Turkey could show its power.

Aksoy said that he believed that Turkey’s exports to Iraq would increase up to US$1 billion till the end of the year as a result of Iraqi private sector’s purchasing goods from Turkey after approval of United Nations agreement in the course of time.

Aksoy stressed that Turkey should take a decision on sending soldiers to Iraq by taking into consideration of its interests.

Stating that Iraq’s being rich and democratic country would be to the benefits of Turkey, Aksoy said that Turkey should help Iraq both for interests of Turkey and Iraqi people.

“The most important problem in Iraq is security issue today. There is neither police nor soldier there. This issue should be solved first,” he added.