‘Turkey’s EU Hopes will End if Penal Code Contains Adultery’

The EU commissioner told Germany’s Bild am Sonntag newspaper that the penal code reforms are the only way Turkey can prove that it is a country that respects both the rule of law and human rights.

While hinting that the EU’s Acquis Communitaire were not open for debate, Verheugen mentioned the importance of the fact that one of Turkey’s strengths was supposed to be its ability to reconcile traditional values with the Acquis Communitaire.

"Do not be Scared of Turkey"

Germany’s Welt am Sonntag newspaper champions the idea that a reformed Turkey would not be a threat to the EU.

In a commentary entitled "Do not be Scared of Turkey", the paper points out that many of the arguments against Turkey’s membership are based upon situations that will not exist in the future.

"Therefore debate is necessary, but it is supposed to run intensively with the help of self-confidence. The EU is powerful enough to embrace a Turkey that experienced reform."

The commentary adds that the EU did not include Turkey in the financial plan prepared for years 2007-2013. The paper contends that Turkey would not add to the EU’s costs if the country became a member.