Turkey’s EU bid to be discussed in Madrid

Sources told the A.A correspondent on Monday that the conference entitled "Turkey, Spain and Europe: From Opposition Towards Unification" was coordinated by European Parliament Vice President and FAES Executive Board member Alejo Vidal-Quadras and Associate Prof. Dr. Cuneyt Yuksel of Istanbul’s Bogazici University.

Turkish journalists, businessmen, politicians and representatives of non-governmental organization were invited by Prime Minister Aznar to attend the conference.

Spanish Secretary General for European Affairs Alfonso Dastis, Economy Minister Roman Escolano and Deputy Foreign Minister Silvia Cortes will also attend the conference.

Noting that Spain’s consistent and moderate approach about Turkey’s EU membership process was quite different from the other EU-member countries, Associate Prof. Dr. Yuksel said, "this conference has a very well timing in regard to interest of Prime Minister Aznar and his central-leftist People’s Party in taking action in favor of Turkey’s joining the EU. Since Spain has hosted Islam culture for long years, Spanish government and people think that the Islam and democratic way of life could take their place in Europe together in harmony. The strategy of the Spanish government with its leading position among the Mediterranean countries is quite influential in supporting Turkey’s EU membership process."