Turkey’s EU Accession: 2015 is the earliest possible date

The fact that serious disagreements could occur during the negotiations also clouds Turkey’s membership hopes. For instance, some Christian Democrats claim that the negotiations would indicate, after a certain level, the impossibility of Turkey’s membership. Those Christian Democrats suggest that once such a point is reached, a "privileged partnership" would have to be extended to Turkey instead.

The recommendation report indicates that the negotiation process will be open ended. When all is said and done, there is always the possibility that Turkey might not accept the membership when offered. Norway, for example, refused membership right after the conclusion of negotiations in 1973.

Malta, which became a member on May 1, 2004, is another example. It hesitated for a while on European Union membership, and then unilaterally withdrew its membership application in 1996. Malta then resubmitted its application in 1998 and gained some privileges.

Others began in February and March

The exact date of when Turkey would begin membership negotiations, assuming an "unconditional yes" in December, is still up in the air. Turkey believes talks could start as early as March 2005, based upon the discussion process of the ten countries that became members on May 1st.

The EU began discussions with the Czech Republic, Estonia, the Greek Cypriot Administration of Cyprus, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia on March 3, 1998. Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania and Slovakia started talks on February 15, 2000.

Turkey-EU Discussion Topics

1. Free Circulation of Goods

2. Free Circulation of Individuals

3. Freedom to Provide Services

4. Free circulation of Capital

5. Corporate Law

6. Competition

7. Agriculture

8. Fishing

9. Transportation Policy

10. Taxation

11. Economic and Financial Union

12. Statistics

13. Social Affairs

14. Energy

15. Industrial Policy

16. Small or Medium Size Enterprises (KOBI)

17. Science and Research

18. Education and Teaching

19. Telecommunications

20. Culture and Audio-Visual Policy

21. Regional Policies and Coordination

22. Environment

23. Consumer Protection and Health Insurance

24. Justice and Internal affairs

25. Customs Union

26. Foreign Affairs

27. Common Foreign and Security Policy

28. Financial Control

29. Financing and Budget Conditions

30. Institutions

31. Others