Turkey: Winter Storms Bring more Destruction

Water levels as high as 1 meter in the streets were reported from Silifke. Residents fled for higher ground carrying necessities like beds, blankets and, in a few cases, washing machines. Several people were stranded in their homes due to the flood and had to be rescued by trucks and forklifts. The basements of public hospitals and schools were also affected by the flood. Electricity could not be delivered to Silifke, where the damage is estimated to be in the trillions of liras.

Some experts claimed that opening the dam gates late caused a disaster. A State Water Affairs (DSI) official, who requested to remain anonymous, said, ‘If the dam’s water had been emptied earlier, the damage would have been mitigated. Water must be maintained at a certain level in order for the dam to produce electricity.’

Floods also caused damage in Mus, Bitlis, Kars and Ardahan. According to meteorologists, cold and rainy weather will continue to affect the East Black Sea region and eastern parts of Anatolia before leaving the country.

Elsewhere, tragedy struck as avalanches ripped through several villages. One avalanche claimed the lives of 7 people in Somkaya village, Agri. Four others were injured in the incident. An avalanche was also reported in the Degirmenli village of Erzurum, completely destroying two houses. 3 people are missing and two bodies have been discovered from the same family.