“Turkey’s relationship with northern Iraq is to hold migrant movements in their own country without allowing them into Turkey,” he added. Turkey already stations several thousand soldiers a short distance inside northern Iraq.
London, March 22 – British Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon said that Turkish troops may enter northern Iraq, but insisted there was no deal between Turkey and allied forces on such a move at the expense of Iraq’s territorial integrity.

“It’s certainly possible that in their efforts to preserve their borders, to resist instability, that there may well be a limited number of Turkish forces in the north” of Iraq, Hoon told BBC television.
He added: “Can I say that that is explicitly not a part of any arrangement that has been done with Turkey.
“There are certainly discussions about Turkey’s understandable concerns about instability along their own borders. But Turkey, like the United Kingdom, shares a clear view that our intention is to preserve the borders of Iraq as they are, to maintain the territorial integrity of the country.”