Turkey will normalize relations with Israel if it meets their demands

Erdogan also accused Israel of being "very cruel" against Palestinians.
"At the moment, I can say clearly and frankly that relations between Israel and Turkey are broken based on one issue … it started when a flotilla of humanitarian aid was trying to reach Gaza," said the prime minister told CNN in an interview.
Turkey expelled the Israeli ambassador and froze military relations and defense trade agreements with Israel earlier this month because Israel refused to apologize for the May 2010 attack, which killed eight Turkish and Turkish-American .
"We demand an apology, pay compensation and to remove the embargo on Gaza once and for all," said Erdogan. "If these demands are not met, relations between Israel and Turkey will never return to normal again."
U.S. President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Secretary of State met last week with Turkish and Israeli leaders in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly and asked its two close allies to improve relations between them.
In his interview with CNN, Erdogan challenged Israel to prove with "accurate statistics" his accusation that the Palestinians "bombard and harass" the Israelis and causing many deaths.
"On the other hand, we know that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were killed," he said. "Only as a result of the attack on Gaza, thousands of people died. These statements are very clear."
"The Israelis just turn to the issue of genocide in history," he said. "And using this genocide, are always acting like victims all the time. We say to it, go and demand that Germany pay what you owe and what has been done. So Germany has paid and continues to pay what he owes to Israel ".
"But neither Turkey nor the Muslims in the region have this problem. I never have had the cruelty against Israel," said the premier. "But Israel is very cruel in this repect. It does not show mercy," he said. End