Turkey will have four demands in talks

SWITZERLAND (AA) – Turkey, during the four-way summit, will exert efforts to prevent the agreement from disruption, for bizonality, soldiers and citizens on the island.

The four-way summit will start today in Burgenstock, Switzerland, under U.N. supervision and with the participation of Turkish and Greek Cypriot sides. Ankara will also expect for a decision to be issued in the EU Summit in Brussels. Ankara wants assurances to be given so that the agreement that would be reached could not be changed by the European courts.

The meetings, which will start with the participation of Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul and Greek Foreign Minister Petros Moliviatis, will continue in prime ministry level between March 29 and 31.

In case the sides fail to reach an agreement in Switzerland, Annan will put a new plan, which he will prepare by considering the views of the sides, to referendum.

Ankara will exert efforts for acceptance of its four demands.
-Disruption of agreement: Preventing European judicial organs to lift limitations which will be brought in the plan regarding return of Greek Cypriots to Turkish region, political rights and exchange of property.

Bi-zonality: Turkey wants rate of Greek Cypriots who will be allowed to return to Turkish founder state to be dropped and also wants whole of the 24 chairs, what will be given to Turkish state in senate of joint state, to be elected from Turks.

Presence of Turkish soldiers: Turkey wants presence of Turkish soldiers, even limited, after EU membership.

Turkey will also call for strong guarantees from the U.N. side to prevent disruption of tranquillity of those who will have to leave their homes.