Turkey will comply with criteria by end of 2004

Speaking to Anatolian Agency, Born said that Turkey had taken important steps with the reform packages, noting that there was still need for new reforms in order to implement the ones that had been passed already.

He said he expected a very positive reaction from EU Commission, if the application of the laws were at a sufficient level.

Commission could only advise, noted Born, adding that final decision would be political and would be taken by 25 member states. He said he could not speak for all members, but claimed that Turkey would receive significant support.

Current bilateral relations between Germany and Turkey were at a very satisfactory level, said Born, noting that there were many cultural and economic exchanges between the countries.

Presidents of both countries were scheduled to meet in the spring of next year, said Born, adding that Foreign Minister Joschka Fisher would be visiting Turkey before the end of the year.

German investors saw a very bright future for Turkey, said German ambassador, adding that cultural exchanges between countries should be a priority.

A German delegation coming in October would be holding many meetings with university rectors and heads of faculties and ways to strengthen cultural exchanges would be discussed, said Born.

Current situation in Iraq was of interest not only to turkey, but also for all other countries concerned for world peace, said Born, noting that Turkey sending troops to Iraq was Turkey’s business.

He said Germany was for multilateral discussions over Iraq, and called for more UN influence in the country.

He said US and Germany needed each other and that short-term differences in opinion would not affect a decades long partnership.