Turkey to pay 221,000 euros compensation

The European Court decided that Turkey violated Article 1 of the first protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights for postponing payment of the compensation fees for expropriation to Mustafa Guclu, Firdevs Helvaci, Ayse Yazici and Nuray Ilkay who applied to the Court. Turkey will pay 6,100 euros to Guclu, Helvaci and Yazici and 2,400 euros to Ilkay.
Turkey will also pay 2,000 euros each to Sekvan Becerikli, Ahmet Altekin and Guru Toprak for violating the right to a fair trial.

The European Court adjudged that Turkey acted against Article 3 of the European Convention which envisages prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Turkey will pay 7,700 euros to Sadik Onder, and 14,500 euros each to Abdullah Colak and Omer Filiz for violating this article.

The Court also decided against Turkey in the case which claimed the house of Ahmet Aydiner was burnt down by security forces and Aydiner and his friends were exposed to torture and ill treatment. Turkey is sentenced to pay 170,000 euros for violating Articles, 3, 8, 1 and 13 of the European Convention.