Turkey, Syria, Iran to revive cooperation mechanism

The paper said that the Iranian foreign minister Kamal Kharazi brought during his visit on Sunday to Ankara a message saying that Tehran wants to revive the tripartite consultation meetings and that the Turkish foreign minister Abullah Gul provided support for this purpose.

For its part, the Turkish daily Hurriet said under the title "a tripartite agreement against the Kurdish state" that Turkey and Iran decided to start a joint initiative including Syria on preventing the establishment of a Kurdish state in Northern Iraq and that the two countries ( Turkey and Iran) reached an initial agreement to found a common mechanism for political and economic investments, noting that a high ranking Iranian delegation will arrive in Ankara in this framework during next week.

On the other hand, the Turkish daily Aksham said that Kharazi handed over critical messages during his visit to Turkey as he said that Iran will, by itself, send soldiers to northern Iraq in case the Turkish soldiers sneaked to that region and that the Iranian side wants to have a say in the issue of rebuilding Iraq.