Turkey proves it is real friend of Georgia

Saakashvili told A.A correspondent that Turkey’s policy towards Georgia did not have any deficiencies and added that Turkey clearly showed that it would not make any intervention which would be for the interest of separatist groups during the solution of problem between Georgian government and those groups.

Saakashvili stressed that Turkey’s positive attitude was effective on solution of the problem.

Georgian President Saakashvili said that Turkey had an important role in the solution of this problem, adding that it proved that it was the real friend of Georgia with this attitude.

Saakashvili said that development of economic and cultural relations with Turkey had gained priority after the solution of Adzharia problem.

He would always have good relations with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Saakashvili said.

Saakashvili said that there had been no problems between Turkey and Georgia in recent years, adding that Turkey was a country on which they relied and from which they received a serious support.

Georgian President Saakashvili will come to Turkey on Thursday as the guest of Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer.

Saakashvili would have meetings in Turkish capital Ankara and commercial hub Istanbul during his three-day visit to Turkey.

An official welcome ceremony will be held at the Presidential Palace for Saakashvili, who will pay a visit to Turkey as the guest of Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer, on Thursday.

Sezer and Saakashvili will hold a joint press conference following their tete-a-tete meeting and meetings between Turkish and Georgian delegations.

Saakashvili, who is expected to have meetings at Turkish parliament, will attend dinner hosted in his honor by Sezer.

On the second day of his visit to Turkey, Saakashvili will receive Turkish Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Gul and then proceed from Ankara to Istanbul.

Issues concerning the two countries and common regional and international developments will be taken up during the visit of Saakashvili.

Exact date of Saakashvili’s visit to Turkey could not be set due to escalating tension between Georgia and Adzharia.

Gul, who spoke to Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania by phone after settlement of the tension without occurrence of any unpleasant incidents, expressed Turkey’s pleasure with the positive developments.

Gul and Zhvania had touched on the visit Saakashvili wanted to pay to Turkey in this phone talk.