Turkey prepares to lead the new Middle East

Turkish Prime Minister has assumed a role for the missing candidates in a region controlled by tyrants, families entrenched in power, intelligence apparatus and outside interests. It has become the social leader than many expected, clearly opposed to Israel-regarded in the region as the source of all evil, but also local cancers themselves, represented by dictatorships. And it does not just rhetoric but by example: an Islamic fanatical defender of the secular state in front of a tolerant and democratic Turkey, which has become an economic power with a decisive regional role and a growing international influence that gives you more autonomy from that expected. The message is clear: Islam and democracy are indeed compatible and should be the future of the Middle East.

Ten months after the start of revolutions, Erdogan dedicates his new role with a tour of the North African Arab arc released by the tenacity of their populations (Tunisia, Libya and Egypt) which is confirmed as the new regional promise. It was in Cairo where he addressed a few days ago, the Arab world by flying the Palestinian cause, in a speech that drew cheers and in which not a few were a lot of symbolism, as it was in the Egyptian city where Barack Obama addressed the world Arabic with beautiful promises that were never carried out.

Erdogan did not promise, but rather praised the generations that have made ​​the change. "Democracy and freedom are rights as basic as bread and water, my brethren," he said in his speech at the Opera House. "The message of liberty spread from Tahrir Square has become a beacon of hope for all the oppressed, whether in Tripoli, Damascus and Sanaa."

Turkish Prime Minister is the first regional leader who speaks clearly in favor of revolutions: the other dignitaries survives through violent suppression of their people or the fear of losing power. That has its consequences: a study by the Pew Research Center carried out between March and April , 78% of Egyptians Erdogan confident, as 72% of Jordanians, or 64% of the Lebanese. 95% of Israelis are suspicious of him.

His commitment to the revolution does not seem gratuitous: rather it is to ensure the future economic and strategic in their country. "Turkey is not a remote country trying to break into the domestic policies of Arab countries" , wrote in Today’s Zaman commentator Kerim Balci . "Egypt’s future is the future of Syria and Lebanon and Iraq. That future is the future of Turkey. There is no way that Turkey will not be influenced by the stormy winds of autumn Arabic Arabic if the spring brings no established democracies. "

The first stop of his tour has not been chosen randomly. Egypt has always been a leader, along with Saudi Arabia, Islam’s Sunni majority in Turkey, a role which many Ankara wants to adopt. Excenario is also a successful social revolution, Erdogan defended it when he says, in his acclaimed speech that "the legitimate demands of the people can not be suppressed by force and blood" or "freedom and democracy and Human Rights should be the slogan for the future of our peoples " . And going through a difficult time with Israel following the assault on the embassy led by the deaths of five Egyptian soldiers shot dead after a Jewish army offensive in the Sinai. Their deaths sparked the ire of a population that never communed with the Camp David Accords which formalized peace between Tel Aviv and Cairo. Following the visit of Erdogan, the prime minister, Issam Sharaf, said that such agreements "are not sacred and can be viewed at any time."
Both countries announced military and economic agreements, is expected to raise trade relations between 3,000 to 5,000 million dollars, which will strengthen the cooperation of both the detriment of Israel. Turkey has frozen its relations with the Jewish state, Israeli ambassador has been expelled because of the attack on the Freedom Flotilla 2010 and has emerged as a spokesman for the Palestinians. Cooperation Cairo / Ankara also increase the economic penetration of the latter, which in recent years has created strong economic ties with new regional allies like Iran, Iraq or Syria.

The new stance toward Israel is essential to understand the sympathy of the street to Erdogan. The Palestinian cause is still an open wound among the population, while Arab leaders are instrumentalize to your interests. "We must work hand in hand with our Palestinian brothers. The Palestinian cause is the cause of human dignity " , said Erdogan days before President Mahmoud Abbas in New York come to formalize the request for recognition of a Palestinian state, an act that will completely change the static situation of conflict with Israel.

This is nothing new for the Turkish prime minister, the same murderer called Israeli President Shimon Peres in full World Economic Forum in Davos in 2009, when Israeli aircraft and tanks killed 1,800 people in the Gaza Strip. But the worsening of relations it is confirmation that the policy of zero problems with neighbors, hoisted by his foreign minister, foreign policy soul of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoglu, has come to an end.

Not everyone appreciates the new role of Erdogan. The radical Islamists, those who want to see pro-Western dictators replaced by theocracies, repudiate the Turkish example of Islamic democracy. The old guard of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has distanced itself from the Turkish sharply, especially after seeing the popular reception of a secular generation player in Tahrir who greeted him waving flag. Meanwhile, the leader of the organization showed their respect in an interview with Hurriyeh News . "Turkey is a model for other countries in the region" , said Mohammad Badie . "There are very emotional ties between the two countries and have been highlighted during our meeting with Erdogan. And I think those feelings are mutual " . Some see significant political party name adopted by the brotherhood: the Freedom Party and Development , which strongly recalls the ruling Justice and Development Erdogan.

Another criticism is that Erdogan instrumentalize the Palestinian cause, as Washington has been doing for decades, knowing the sensitivity of the problem instead of charging perentoreas situations such as repression in Syria. "The Arab masses have grown tired of empty slogans , and are convinced that the Palestinian cause is the easy subject to some regional leaders to gain points, and that is what the regime (Bashar) Assad " , wrote the director of Ashar al-Awsat, Tariq Alhomayed , in an article entitled Erdogan of Arabia, but … "Here it seems that Erdogan has forgotten an important lesson for Arab cultural heritage: the injustice of the closest results in more pain and suffering that the blade of a sharp sword."

It is true that Turkey closed the gap that separated him from Syria during the Cold War and even agreements that Damascus brokered a peace agreement reached with Israel. However, Erdogan is today a regional leader is speaking more clearly against the dictatorship of Bashar Assad and his country has the most actively working with hosting summits Syrian opposition and giving asylum to refugees. Sultan Erdogan has moved his chips, and according to many analysts this is the beginning of the new Middle East. The Beginning of the neo-Ottomans, as some call it? It is difficult to predict, but the Arab street is today Turkey.