Turkey Prepares Iraq Risk Analysis for Troop…

The summit reportedly resulted in agreement on six principles and conditions for the troop deployment: Turkey will not be the only country to send troops; as long as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party-Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress (PKK-KADEK) remains a threat to Turkey from northern Iraq and the US fails to clarify to Turkey its attitude to the PKK-KADEK, Turkey will not decide on troop deployment; Turkey will demand the PKK-KADEK leaders be captured; the troops’ duties will be humanitarian, centered on water, electricity, health, etc.; in order to avoid any misunderstanding, Turkey will convince regional countries that it is in Iraq for peaceful purposes; Turkey must receive an official invitation to send troops from Iraq’s Temporary Governning Council which will include the signatures of Kurdish leaders Mesut Barzani and Celal Talabani.

Ozkok, Gul, Minister of Defense Vecdi Gonul, Minister of Internal Affairs Abdulkadir Aksu, Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Ugur Ziyal, National Intelligence Organization (MIT) Undersecretary Senkal Atasagun and his assistant for US affairs Baki Ilkin participated in the summit chaired by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which also discussed developments reintergrating PKK-KADEK militants into Turkish society within the framework of the "Homecoming Law".