Turkey invites RP to OIC meeting of FMs

In a press statement, Foreign Affairs Secretary Delia Albert, who is in Ankara, Turkey on an official visit, also announced the sending of a test shipment of Philippine mangoes to Turkey.

Albert said, "This [test shipment] could be a first step to opening the Turkish market to our tropical fruits. I am well aware that there is a very large market for fresh fruits in Turkey."

Albert, who was Foreign Affairs Undersecretary for International Economic Relations before her appointment as DFA Secretary, said her visit to Turkey was a success because "we had made major gains in two of three pillars of our foreign policy — national security and economic diplomacy."

Albert said Turkey’s invitation to the Philippines in the 31st Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers "brings us one step closer to Observer status in the OIC. This was the objective of my visit and it is an objective that we have achieved. This is another milestone in our quest to strengthen our relations with the Islamic world and to becoming an Observer in the

"I was deeply touched by the hospitality of [Turkish] Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul and his very kind invitation for us to attend the 31st OIC Ministerial Meeting. I profoundly appreciate the suggestions and ideas that Turkish officials, including the official in charge of OIC affairs, gave us in terms of ensuring that our bid for OIC Observer status will be successful," she said.

Foreign Affairs Undersecretary for Special Concerns Rafael Seguis, who accompanied the DFA secretary in Turkey, attributed Albert’s success to her involvement in the process to mainstream Philippine relations with Islamic countries started by her predecessor, the late Blas Ople.

"Secretary Albert was part of Secretary Ople’s team that went to Iran for very important talks that led to our participation in the OIC ministerial meeting hosted by Iran last year. She also organized and chaired the RP-Iran Dialogue Among Civilizations Conference in Manila, also last year. She is well placed to continue with our quest for Observer status in the OIC," Seguis said.