Turkey: If Disintegration in Iraq Takes Place, We Intervene

Upon receiving the Islam Revolution Supreme Council Leader, Abdulaziz Al-Hakim, Erdogan brought to attention that Iraq’s territorial integrity should be protected. According to information given, Erdogan said: "We see the efforts of two Kurdish groups in Northern Iraq to turn the present situation to their advantage. We are surprised by this and we do not think this is right." The Prime Minister emphasized no ethnic and religious discrimination should occur in Iraq. Erdogan stressed the importance of the Iraqi government to be formed in June.

Erdogan said the government supports that ‘Iraqis determine Iraq’s future,’ and added that, in the event of disintegration in Iraq, neighboring countries will intervene. He said: "Syria and Iran think the same as well. I say with sincerity that Iraq’s freedom is our greatest priority. Disintegration of Iraq means instability for us. Your happiness is our stability."

While Erdogan underlined the fact that all the Iraqi groups have to have equal status, Al-Hakim said Turkey’s assistance is needed as they prepare a Constitution and form a new government. The Shiite Leader emphasized that they support Ankara playing a significant role in Iraq. He said the meetings in Ankara were historical and important and that they were beneficial, constructive and successful. In addition, there is a desire to improve cooperation with Turkish trade and civil society organizations, Al-Hakim stated.

Barzani and Salih Receive Harsh Rebuke

On the other hand, in a meeting with 30 Kurdish, Turkmen, and Assyrian party representatives yesterday, Iraq Kurdistan Democrat Party (KDP) Leader, Massoud Barzan, claimed an agreement on federalism with the Iraqi Temporary Governing Council was reached. For Kirkuk, he said, a special solution is required.

‘In Iraq, provinces cannot be administered separately,’ said Barzani, insisting that Kurdish people will decide how to shape their relations with the center.

The statement, "Kirkuk is a Kurdish city", made by KDP high-ranking official Behram Salih, who is expected to visit Ankara today, received harsh reaction from the Foreign Ministry.