Turkey has proved its good-will in Cyprus to EU

ISTANBUL (AA) – U.S. Ambassador to Turkey Eric Edelman has said that Turkey had proved its good-will in Cyprus to the European Union and to the world, adding that they would take all necessary measures not to leave Turkish Cypriots in the cold.

Speaking at a conference held jointly by Istanbul’s Bogazici University and Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (TUSIAD) Foreign Policy Forum on "Future of Turkish-the United States Relations", Edelman said on Tuesday that a powerful Turkey would constitute an important opportunity for freedom, prosperity and development in the region.

Noting that it was not the United States, but Turkish citizens who will make Turkey successful, Edelman stressed that the United States had been sincerely supporting Turkey’s EU membership process.

Stressing that Turkey could draw attention of more foreign investors, Edelman said that there were still some problems in foreign investments, and called on Turkish officials to overcome them.

Recalling that Turkey had made valuable contributions to training of the Afghan National Army and undertaken important missions in Afghanistan, Edelman said that NATO had been discussing presence of a military team out of Kabul under the leadership of Turkey.

Emphasizing that the United States wanted to hand over the sovereignty to Iraqi people on June 30, Edelman said that they had been exerting efforts together with Iraqi people to determine the most appropriate method of administration for Iraq.

Noting that the United States had made some mistakes in Iraq in recent weeks, Edelman said that the United States, however, made many contributions to future of Iraqi people.

Recalling that PKK/KADEK and the other terrorist organizations in Iraq had already been included in the United States list of terrorist organizations, Edelman said that Turkey and the United States had been carrying out joint efforts to eradicate those terrorist organizations.

Stressing that Turkey was able to make very important contributions to the Middle East process, Edelman said that Turkey having a secular and democratic system could constitute a serious model for the other regional countries.

Edelman noted that the United States targeted to provide peace in Caucasus and the Balkans, highlighting importance of Turkey’s opening its border with Armenia.

Referring to results of Saturday’s twin referendums in Cyprus, Edelman said that Turkey had exerted very significant efforts for a fair and lasting agreement in Cyprus, and that Turkey had made great sacrifices.

Recalling that the Turkish Cypriot side supported United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan’s plan, Edelman said that Turkey had proved its good-will in Cyprus to the EU and the world.

He quoted U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell as saying that the Greek Cypriots had missed a historic opportunity by rejecting the Annan Plan.

Describing United Nations Secretary General Annan’s plan as the only way for a fair and lasting peace on the island, Edelman said that they would take all necessary measures not to leave Turkish Cypriots in the cold.

Edelman stressed that Turkish Cypriot community should not be punished because the Greek Cypriot side rejected the plan.

Stressing that Turkey had been strategic partner of the United States for the last five decades, Edelman added that the United States wanted to provide prosperity in the region.