Turkey has done everything it can for Cyprus

It is now up to the Turkish Cypriots and the Greek Cypriots to decide in Saturday’s referendum whether the two states on the island will be reunited, Foreign Minister Abdullah Gül said at a joint press conference with visiting Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faysal.
Gül said that Ankara had no plans to take further steps after Russia used its veto at the United Nations Security Council to bloc a proposal for new security arrangements on Cyprus in the event of reunification.
“There was nothing new in the United Nations Security Council’s Cyprus resolution,” Gül said. “The resolution envisaged guaranteeing the agreement. Actually, the agreement has its guarantee within itself. Under the agreement, armaments and weapons smuggling will be prevented on the island.
“The resolution was further strengthening the agreement. It did not concern the content of the agreement. Everything was written in the agreement. However, Russia vetoed it. There is nothing we can do.”