Turkey: First Iraqi groups to change their view

ANKARA (AA) – Iraqi groups are expected to change their attitude first regarding the deployment of Turkish soldiers for commencement of the negotiations between Turkey and the U.S. and that the groups are expected to be persuaded.

Diplomatic sources said on Friday that negotiations had to be held to determine the details of Turkish soldiers’ deployment in Iraq and noted that they didn’t think the negotiations would start in the beginning of the week.

The same sources said that firstly the U.S. had to persuade groups in Iraq about deployment of Turkish soldiers. Meanwhile a new regulation is expected to be made in the administration of Iraq.

After overcoming the negative stance about the existence of Turkey in Iraq for the moment, negotiations will start and the issues of where, when the Turkish soldiers would go in Iraq will be taken up.

Deniz Bolukbası is expected to head the Turkish side during the negotiations. Logistic issues, supply routes, the image of Turkey in the region and elimination of the terrorist organization PKK-KADEK are expected to be taken up during the meeting.

Turkey wants to go to Iraq as a friend, not as an occupier and to help Iraqis to gain their sovereignty as soon as possible. Turkey wants to be in Iraq not only with its military existence, but with its units that would contribute to reconstruction of that country. In that respect Turkey expects support from the U.S.

Meanwhile a second border gate is planned to be opened between Turkey and Iraq in Ovakoy. Diplomatic sources said that Habur border gate would not be sufficient when commercial relations, humanitarian aid and military supplies made to the U.S. were taken into consideration.

Turkey finds inconsistent the resistance of Iraqi groups against Turkish soldiers when the statements of Iraqi Kurdistan Democrat Party leader Massaud Barzani are taken into account. Sources said that Barzani could be worried that the U.S. would not fulfil some of the promises it made to them.