Turkey: Deputy ties himself to rails

Speaking from the tracks, he said such accidents usually were ignored after a few days, adding that his protest was aimed to make the guilty face the courts. Oktem said the government, who forced academics to approve the report on the train, was the real guilty party.

He said his act was not a political show or partisan politics, adding that as long as the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government was in power, such accidents would continue to occur.

Oktem said that the CHP would launch a parliamentary inquiry into the affair, adding that his party would seek the real criminals.

He later went to the complaints desk at the station and wrote an application, calling on the prime minister, the transportation minister and the State Railways executive to resign.

A person approached Oktem before his statement and criticized him for ignoring accidents on the roads, claiming tens of people die everyday.

Meanwhile, the CHP Executive Board (MYK) decided to call Parliament for an extraordinary session in August and ask for a parliamentary inquiry into Transportation Minister Binali Yildirim.