Turkey: Deployment Motion Can Bypass President

"We will request the authority of the parliament and with it, we will have a stronger position at the negotiation table with the U.S.," said Gul.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that in regards to the subject, every development would be made public after the Cabinet Council meeting. He stressed government’s intention to finalize the issue as soon as possible.

At the Council’s meeting, Gul stressed that this motion should not be confused with the March 1 motion for a deployment and said: "This motion is not the same with the previous one. In that case, the U.S. seemed as an occupier and it seemed that we would be partner to this picture. Now, there is no such picture. We should go to Iraq for its reconstruction, peace, and tranquillity."

Regarding the talks with the U.S. concerning the Kurdish Workers Party – Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress (PKK-KADEK) issue, Gul stated: "They accepted our request regarding the PKK-KADEK. Four to five thousand PKK militants remain in the region. We will wipe them out."