Turkey: Day to Vote

Voting will begin at 07.00 in Adıyaman, Ağrı, Artvin, Bingöl, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Erzincan, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Hakkari, Kars, Malatya, Kahramanmaraş, Mardin, Muş, Ordu, Rize, Siirt, Sivas, Trabzon, Tunceli, Şanlıurfa, Van, Bayburt, Batman, Şırnak, Ardahan, Iğdır and Kilis and end at 16.00. In other cities , it will begin at 08.00 and end at 17.00.

The parties to compete in the elections, include; EMEP, DSP, ANAP, BTP, AKP, BBP, İP, ÖDP, LDP, TKP, DYP, ATP, MP, CHP, Young Party, YTP, SHP, SP, DP and MHP. Free society Party OTP and Democratic People’s Party DEHAP withdrew from the race while DEHAP, ODP, EMEP, OTP and SDP are entering the race together with SHP; under Democratic Union of Powers.

The biggest number of electors is in Istanbul in which 43.500.064 people will cast votes.