Turkey considers official meetings on its EU bid

During the meeting of Reform Monitoring Group, Gul said that reforms made in Turkey were appreciated by all EU members.

Gul stressed that EU Commissioner for enlargement Guenter Verheugen had confirmed that in their joint press conferences.

When he was recalled about the statements of Verheugen that "a positive message might not be given to Turkey in its 2004 progress report," Gul said that they did not take into consideration the rumors but considered the words uttered in the official meetings.

Gul noted that participants stressed that Turkey had done many things in a very sincere and clear way in the official meetings.

It was known that the progress report would be a good report, Gul said and went on saying, "because, what has been done is obvious. And, our initiatives are appreciated by all EU members."

Gul said, "Verheugen has always confirmed these in his statements and our joint press conferences."

Noting that implementation of reform packages were as important as their adoption, Gul said that the Reform Monitoring Group convened regularly not only once a month in the level of ministers but also in other times in order to monitor the implementation of reforms.

Gul stated that they saw that the reform packages were being implemented in line with EU political criteria.

"There are still some time for some of the reforms. There are some duties that Turkish Radio and Television, Supreme Board and Radio and Television, Accounting Bureau, National Security Council will do. Laws concerning these institutions determines time for fulfillment of duties. Everything will be done before this time is over," Gul added.

Reform Monitoring Group chaired by Abdullah Gul is comprised of Justice Minister Cemil Cicek, Interior Minister Abdulkadir Aksu and representatives of Secretariat General for EU, Prime Ministry Human Rights Directorate and Human Rights Advisory Board.