Turkey And Azerbaijan Sign Cooperation Protocol…

Yildirim said in the press conference held in Azerbaijani Transportation Ministry that the cooperation between two countries in communication and transportation fields continued to increase.

Noting that Turkey presented its facilities to Azerbaijan especially to develop data-internet services in the most appropriate conditions, Yildirim said that they decided to establish internet connections via Turkey by using satellite facilities.

Yildirim said that they decided to make cooperation between two countries to provide commerce via internet and to sign the agreement regarding postal packages. He added that making satellite connections via Turkey would be more intensive by the signed protocol.

Noting that they reached an agreement to establish fiber-optic cable line, which would reach Turkey, via Georgia for making an alternative communication line, Yildirim said that they wanted communication web to be made via Turkey mutually, not via Europe and America by uniting the facilities of Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Yildirim said that they had beneficial meetings in Azerbaijani Transportation Ministry within his contacts and he added that they made important progress in eliminating the problems which transportation firms of both countries had been experiencing for a long time.

Noting that they solved the problems in passage documents of Turkish trucks, Yildirim said that 300 more documents were prepared additional to existing 2,000 passage documents and on the contrary to double document implementation which had been fulfilled until today, they adopted the usage of single document. He added that 2,300 passage documents were increased to 4,600 with the new implementation.

Yildirim said that they agreed that Azerbaijan and Turkey Joint Transportation Commission meeting to be held in Turkey on the level of technicians in the middle of September. He added that updated ”Land Transportation Protocol” would be signed in the meeting.

Yildirim said that they agreed to form a joint transportation company in Azerbaijan to refresh the commerce in the region and to make transportation to regional countries together.

Upon a question regarding Kars-Tbilisi railway project, Yildirim said that they had a problem in the finance of the Georgian part of railway prior to the implementing of project. He added that they aimed to solve this problem by holding meetings between Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Upon a question regarding the opening of Armenia-Gumru border gate, Yildirim said that Turkey’s existing policy would not change as long as Armenia continued to occupy Azerbaijani lands.

Akhmadov said that they wanted to benefit from Turkey’s facilities regarding communication, transportation and internet services.

Noting that they would make cooperation in commerce via internet, Akhmadov said that they would also in close cooperation with Turkey in development process of postal services. He added that they planned to make fiber-optic cable reach Turkey until the end of year.