Turkcell has announced the commercial launch of Shubuo

Under the Shubuo brand, Turkcell will allow its customers to choose from several service packages each catering to different interest areas including news, finance, football, flirt, city life and music. Customers will be in a position to chose from these services according to their interests and buy individual packages for a monthly fee.

As a result, they will receive a fixed number of text messages containing information on the subject they choose and will be able to use content-rich and personalised mobile internet services allowing them to interact with other Shubuo subscribers through chat, competition, voting, etc.

They will also be able to access various types of information through their mobile phones once their Shubuo subscription is effective. Moreover, Shubuo will allow consumer brands to promote goods and services to its subscribers according to their interest areas, allowing Shubuo subscribers to enjoy discounts and other benefits.

Turkcell aims to achieve two goals with the launch of Shubuo. Firstly, customer subscription to different service packages will allow Turkcell to assess interest areas of its customer base and create sub-communities based on this information. Turkcell can then offer further customised services to these groups, in line with their areas of interest. This will serve to enhance customer loyalty by increasing the sense of belonging to a particular social group among Turkcell customers. Secondly, Shubuo will provide consumer brands a medium through which to reach their target market with a higher rate of accuracy.