Turk Telecom Picks Redback

Turk Telecom is deploying Redback’s platforms as part of a solution that will enable the company to provide high-quality broadband connectivity and value-added IP services to its broad base of business and consumer customers. Redback’s platforms are expected to be deployed in Points of Presence (PoPs) throughout the country’s major cities.

“We’re very excited to be deploying Redback Networks’ products as we will now be able to provide automated, self-provisioned and consistent broadband access and a wide selection of value-added services to our customer base,” said Mehmet Toros, vice president of Turk Telecom. “One of the major benefits of Redback technology is that it enables us to scale our broadband subscriber base without having to re-work our existing network infrastructure. This saves us time and money and we expect to see an increase in revenues and a boost in our subscriber numbers.”