Troops Will Go to Iraq in October

Contact with Tribes

The sources stated that the representatives of the Council of Tribes, composed of 9 tribes, and of the Ubeydi Tribe, which is the sole Arab tribe of Kirkuk, would contact Foreign Ministry officials in Ankara. The offer to meet belongs to the tribes. These representatives will explain their views regarding the Turkish soldiers.

Mission To Iraq

On the other hand, a mission composed of officials from the Foreign Ministry, MIT Undersecretariat and the General Staff will reportedly go to Iraq next week to examine the conditions. Another mission composed of deputies may also go to Iraq in the upcoming days.

11 Questions in Questionnaire

There reportedly are 11 questions in the questionnaire sent by Turkey to U.S. on the issue of sending Turkish troops to Iraq. Diplomatic sources stated that the issues regarding the commandment and location of the Turkish troops were not clarified yet.

“No To Sending Troops To Iraq” Campaign

National Union of Power, composed of 6 political parties launched a signature campaign entitled “No to Sending Troops to Iraq.”