"TRNC should be awarded if peace is wanted to be encouraged"

ANKARA (AA) – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said, "if we want to encourage peace in Cyprus, we should award Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) for its efforts. I believe that the following days will become scene of developments in favor of TRNC."

Speaking at a live program at the private CNN-Turk TV channel, Prime Minister Erdogan said on Friday about referendums in Cyprus, "our view has already been known. We have always displayed our good-will. Although 30 years have elapsed since the Peace Operation, the insolubility could not be overcome in Cyprus."

"We attribute great importance to TRNC’s taking its place among the world states. Unfortunately, Turkish Cypriot people who rejected United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan’s plan could not notice this detail. The most important thing is recognition of two sovereign states. The other issues like property matter can be resolved. If Turkish Cypriot side is recognized, investments will increase. If the Annan Plan is accepted, these investments will start immediately. Even if Turkish Cypriots vote ‘yes’ and Greek Cypriots vote ‘no’ in the referendum, investments will start. Therefore, Turkish Cypriot people should take the first step. This will be the best response to the European Union (EU), the United States and the United Nations," he said.

Prime Minister Erdogan stressed, "I believe that the following days will become scene of developments in favor of TRNC. The world has begun sending positive messages. The Greek Cypriot side will not lose anything by voting ‘no’ in the referendum. The EU membership process will start on May 1, 2004. Actually, a new process will start for TRNC. Recent public surveys carried out in TRNC revealed that an important part of Turkish Cypriots is in favor of voting ‘yes’. Turkish Cypriots displayed their attitude in favor of peace and compromise. The EU-member countries have begun making positive assessments about TRNC. I believe that they will take positive steps about lifting embargoes imposed on TRNC for years."

"TRNC has been exposed to unfair treatments in human rights, rule of law, education, trade and politics for years. If we want to encourage peace in Cyprus, we should award TRNC for its efforts. Turkey will continue supporting TRNC. Water and energy projects will enrich TRNC," he stressed.

"We have prepared ourselves against all kinds of possibilities. We will respect for decision of Turkish Cypriot people," Prime Minister Erdogan added.