TRNC PM: Annan will make call for lifting of isolation

LEFKOSA (AA) – Mehmet Ali Talat, the Prime Minister of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) said on Sunday that United Nations (UN) Secretary General with a great possibility would make a call for lifting of isolation of TRNC.

Talat made a statement about his visits in the United States.

Talat said their target was to integrate Turkish Cypriots with the world and their opening to the world. "Turkish Cypriot people deserved this," he stressed.

Stating that it was from now on impossible to see Greek Cypriot side as "Cyprus Republic", Talat said Cyprus report which the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan would present to the Security Council would light the way for the next steps. Talat said the Secretary General with a great possibility would make a call for lifting of isolation.

Describing his meetings in the United States as one of the steps to make Turkish Cypriots integrate with the world, Talat said such visits would continue.

Talat said Turkish Cypriots managed to change political climate within its country and provided formation of a government favoring solution.

He said Turkish Cypriots voted "yes" in the referendum with a majority and fulfilled its obligations and met the demands of the international community, and thus deserved to integrate with the world.

Stating that his visit to the United States was very fruitful, Talat said this visit particularly gave a political message to Greek Cypriot side. He said, "U.S. State Secretary for the first time met with TRNC Prime Minister and the UN Secretary General in fact for the first time received TRNC Prime Minister in his office."

Talat emphasized that it was not possible to overcome a destruction that has been created in 40 years, stating that Turkish Cypriot people had to experience those because of wrong policies.

Talat said in the meetings he had in U.S., they wanted isolation imposed on Turkish Cypriots to be lifted, stating that they demanded restrictions to be lifted mainly on direct flights, trade, sports and travel.

Talat said they wanted support from U.S. officials for foreign investments in TRNC economy, and noted that they emphasized that the aid would be meaningless unless the isolation is not lifted.

"We underlined that the aid you will make to us will not be beneficial if the isolation is not lifted. We considered this as our primary need," Talat pointed out.