TRNC asks de Soto to note uncompromising stance of G. Cyprus

LEFKOSA (AA) – While the new negotiation process continues in Cyprus, the Turkish side has asked U.N. Secretary General’s special envoy for Cyprus Alvaro De Soto to note the uncompromising attitude of the Greek Cypriot side.

Reliable sources said on Thursday that TRNC President Rauf Denktas who met with De Soto in TRNC on Wednesday requested him to note the uncompromising attitude which the Greek Cypriot side assumed during the negotiations.

The demand of Denktas was found positive by De Soto. Denktas showed Greek Cypriot leader Tassos Papadopoulos’ leaving the third day of talks without shaking the hand of Denktas as an example of impoliteness.

Today’s meeting is expected to start at 10.00 a.m.

President Rauf Denktas of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and accompanying Turkish negotiating delegation departed from the TRNC Presidential Office to attend the fourth session of Cyprus talks on Thursday.

Together with Denktas, TRNC Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Talat and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Serdar Denktas left the Presidential Office at 9.50 a.m.

The fourth session at the Lefkosa International Airport is envisaged to start at 10 a.m.

Sources said that TRNC President Denktas would hold a news conference at 2 p.m.