‘Torture Continues at Guantanamo Bay’

The British newspaper the Guardian published reports of a British captive being at the base. In the statements given to a British Foreign Ministry representative, the captive named Martin Mubanga (31) said that he was kept in chains for so long that he wet himself and was forced to clean up his own urine. During interrogation, he was threatened, had his hair stood on and the temperature was turned up to 36 degrees. The document says also that Mubanga was made to stand in chains for more than an hour during the visit of British officials in July. Four British are still held among more than 500 captives kept since 2001 in Guantanamo. There are similar claims from Austrian captive David Hicks at the base. In his declaration in August, Hicks notes that dogs were set free on captives who were handcuffed and blindfolded. At other times they were tied to racks for eight hours and forced to use narcotics. US authorities say the allegations are ‘without merit’.