Third Round on Cyprus Negotiation Is Today

The tripartite talks will continue today at 22.00 with Turkey time.

In the second round of Wednesday, which started at 23.00 o’clock with Turkey time and lasted for 1 hour 20 minutes, the Turkish immigrants in Northern Cyprus became an issue of discussion. The Greek Cypriot side demanded that the number of them should be limited with 45 thousand, to preserve the demographic structure. The Turkish mission, -composed of President Denktas, Turkish Cypriot Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Talat, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Serdar Denktas, and Presidency Undersecretary Ergun Olgun,- tried not to increase the tension by responding to the provocative initiatives of the other party.

In a press conference on Wednesday, S. Denktas said that they offered a mechanism to solve the problems in times of deadlock. He said that UN Secretary General Kofi Annan approached positively to this offer, while Greek Cyprus would express its opinion on Thursday.