The state of intellectuals in Turkey

d) The whole world should now be within the control both of the "economic markets" and "security seekers".

e) We may have built the technological and economic aspects but we do not yet have a new political order of globalization

Thus, in my eyes the "Iraqi war" is the start of establishing a new political order in the world under the control of the super power i.e. the U.S. Like all attempts of reordering the world, this war also targets to control scarce natural resources (oil in this case) and minimize potential aggression against the U.S.

A new world order still under the control of the super power!

In my eyes; the U.S. won the war at the cost of loosing her image as "the benevolent imperial power" and earned a new image that can be summarized as "the imposing imperial power".

Given these gigantic changes taking place at our very borders, it is my sad conclusion that most of us in Turkey could not read exactly what is going on in the world.

Most of us cannot, will not and do not want to attempt to understand the process of globalization.

Almost all kinds of critique have been made both against the government and the military up today.

Now, I want to concentrate on the art of Turkish intellectuals in grasping what is going on in the world.

After all, it is the intellectuals of a country who will introduce the new ideas to people and urge the change for better.

In Turkey, just the reverse occurred!

It is the overwhelming majority of intellectuals who are for status quo and even for reactionary moments in the country.

When you attempt to analyze the scheme in the mind of Turkish intellectuals you can see the following guidelines:

a) Globalization is a political process i.e. the last phase of capitalist imperialism that can be stopped if enough energy is put together to combat with it. The technological aspect of the process and the political aspect are two different issues. Why "NASDAQ" exists besides the classical "Dow Jones" is none of their business.

b) Their role is to "demand peace" not offer solutions on "how to achieve it". It is indeed a sort of shame for a Turkish intellectual to be "achievement oriented", it is only important to be "demanding oriented".

c) If a "road map" is necessary to follow in the world; it is the history that will show us the best guide. It is either the glorious days of socialism, or the golden age of Islam or the Kemalist revolution of 40’s.

d) There is only "one truth" that explains everything. This "one truth" by nature does not change in time. It is eternal. What Ataturk, or Karl Marx or Mohammed had said once is true forever. There is no need to seek for "new truths". In fact it is sin, unorthodox, revisionist or at least anti-patriotic to seek "new truths".

e) The U.S. and Europe contradict each other in everything. You can be either on one side or the other. The countries cannot contradict each other on certain issues but agree upon on others.

f) We are the center of the world, each country is seeking our weak aspects and above all, our neighboring countries are all wrong in their disputes with us.

When one applies these guidelines to the practical life, one reaches the following conclusions:

1) As were Americans defeated in Vietnam and Russians were defeated in Afghanistan; The U.S. will also be defeated in Afghanistan. If not, that means the war has not ended there yet.

2) We as Turks may not abide by the U.N. resolutions (Cyprus) but the imperialist U.S. (Iraq) must abide.

3) If we are against the Iraqi war, the U.S. may not love us anymore, but Germany and France will fall in love with us at first sight. If they still insist that we should solve the Cyprus issue, then they are traitorous.

4) If not a single country has not "recognized Turkish republic of Cyprus" It is not our obligation to prove that they are all wrong. They are simply all shameless.

5) About the Iraqi war:

a) The U.S. cannot win this war without Turkey.

b) The U.S. cannot also win this war without intervening through northern Iraq. They need our help once again.

c) Nobody can dare to go over our "red lines", thus allow Kurds to form their own state without our consent.

d) The Iraqi people will fight against the imperialists to the very end.

e) We will fight for the rights of our Turkmen brothers.

Two closure questions:

1) Did you know that the patriotic Turkish song "My country is different!" to which every Turk cries when listening to is a medieval Jewish composition?

2) Did you also know that the famous song of ultranationalists i.e. "Flutters the water of Black Sea" is composed by an Armenian composer who was oppressed by Ottomans?