The Ones Who Talk Against Turkey are Ignorant

Ambassador Marsili recalled that Italy was the second state sending her ambassador to the new Turkish Republic and : I first remember Ataturk when the Turkish Republic is mentioned. Even though it is quite long, I am one of the rare foreign diplomats who read the Speech of Ataturk.

Maximum Support

Ambassador Marsili went on to say that; The Italian government extends maximum support to Turkey in her bid to enter EU, from the first day Turkey applied for membership. Besides, EU must expand towards the South. Our two countries have very good cultural, social and commercial relations. Our Prime Minister Berlusconi calls on our businessmen to invest in Turkey. Tourism between our countries will resume its previous levels. Personally I like Kalkan and Kas.

The Ambassador added that, when he came for the first time as a young diplomat in 1979, he did not know much about Turkey, and his knowledge was limited with history books. He said; I realized the facts shortly after. I am saying that, those thinking negatively about Turkey and talking negatively against it, are ignorant.

Carlo Marsili and Selva Marsili are married for 14 years. Marsili who drank only espresso until getting married, says that he learned having breakfast, thanks to his wife.