The Greater Middle East Project

We rarely say "I do not know!" and love guessing about the issues others’ have on their minds.

In this case we are lucky simply because those who have averted the project also do not have a complete definition of the project in their minds yet.

I say that without any negative connotation because the project is just an idea and will be hopefully shaped in time after the U.S., the prime advocate of the project talk to people both in the Middle East and Europe.


So far, as far as I can understand, the project has one open and two undisclosed targets:

The open target of the U.S. with the project is:

1) To wipe out terror and the elements feeding it in the Middle East.

The undisclosed targets are:

1) To legitimize their settlement in the Middle East.

2) To control the supply of oil.

I do not mean that the U.S. wants to reach these targets alone but it is ready to share both the idea and the project with European countries as long as she leads.


By mentioning the undisclosed targets, I also don’t mean to criticize the U.S. or the other countries because it is only understandable from my perspective that if Middle Eastern countries control 65 percent of the world’s oil without being able to control law and order and consume only 4 percent of the oil in their poor production capacities, "others" will obviously have an eye on the Middle East.

The U.S. produces 26 percent of the world’s oil and consumes 28 percent of the world’s oil.

The U.S. herself says that she has to increase oil-imports by 28 percent by the year 2025 so its understandable why the U.S. is in hurry to redefine the Middle East.


Whatever the targets of the other countries are; I am interested in understanding what this project means for the Middle East.


If the project aims to lesser the attraction of terror for the poor people of the Middle East by increasing their human capital, I am for it!

I myself believe that the hardest and only way to decrease the charm of terror for the Muslim countries is to make them integrate to the global world.

The only way out is to educate them.


If the world cares about the people of the Middle East, they will be the winners.

So far, "the developed world" has only been interested in oil and backed the brutal regimes in the area that guaranteed oil for them.


By talking about investment in human capital, I mean projects like schools for everybody, training for the adults, hospitals, sewing systems, and better hygiene systems, and investments that will develop the countries and increase the employment rate at the same time.

How about investments in the new technologies?

I do not directly talk about democracy simply because that will be an obvious end result of such a project.

Above all, I mean the education and protection of women, the mothers and the primary teachers of the future generations.


I also do not think that the project needs to bring huge some of money to the area.

The money is already there.

It is a matter of reallocation of their money.

The "others" only need to bring know-how and new technology.

In that capacity, whatever the purpose of the USA with the GMP is, it is good for the people of the area and the world and it is a feasible project.


But there is one grand question in my mind.

How will the USA and the others convince the dictators of the Middle East they have backed so far to educate their own people?

Are they aware that the best partner of the dictators is "ignorance" and their worst enemy is "education"?

Around this question, my mind is very confused!