
Is a raid on a school or the killing of children in accordance with any ethical standards? If we notice the constantly increasing number of such attacks after Sept. 11, we will all see that our future is in jeopardy. Despite all the security precautions we take, the prevention of terrorism is not easy. In a speech he made at the White House on March 29, 2004, in honor of NATO’s expansion, U.S. President George W. Bush reminded the alliance that it faced a new enemy and called for unity and cooperation against terrorism.

Unfortunately, such speeches remain just words and are forgotten until the next terrorist attack.

The fire is burning everything around it, while others are just watching it happen. Some turn a blind eye to groups supporting terrorism, hoping such action will persuade these groups into not making them targets. There are even some who provide moral and financial support in accordance with their political objectives. History is full of examples of such behavior.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s call for "international cooperation and the formation of a bloc against terrorism" is very important. However, not many countries have come out in support of this sincere call. In short, no matter how much you condemn terrorism, it won’t end by itself. How can one ignore the cries of so many fathers, mothers and the death of so many innocents? Let’s not forget terrorism takes place in Iraq, Algiers, Turkey and in other countries and is a threat to our future. Let no one forget that action based on hatred will not yield results, no matter what its intentions are. Roads that lead to democracy and human values are clear for all to see. Nothing and no one are obstructing them. Why do people choose to kill hundreds of people when their struggle can take place without losing one’s humanity?

Another point that should be considered is that terrorism should never be based on certain beliefs. Terrorism can neither have a rationale, not can it have a country or religion. There have been many who made this discrimination and stated false opinions. Let’s remember Spain, Ireland and many others. From time to time, mistaken assessments result in divisions and blocks. Never forget that if these erroneous policies are not corrected, they will lead to a clash of civilizations.

The most important source of terrorism is poverty. Hungry people can easily be pulled into the quagmire of terrorism. The world needs to concentrate on this issue. It appears the attack in Ossetia has once again made everyone aware of certain facts and is calling on the world to do something about it.

Let us all — Europe, Asia and the United States — unite against this threat. Let’s take all the necessary precautions and eradicate the inequality. Tomorrow may be too late.