Ten Million Dollars to Tsunami Victims

Before visiting South Asia which he will visit on February 5, Erdogan received pledges from 50 businessmen. Ten million dollars was promised in the first evening. Many other big groups promised further support. They also promised to lead projects in the region.

Businessmen said that "Let the government go to the region and come back to us with a project; then, we shall support it from Turkey." Of these Ciner Holding promised to build a school. Projects to build a Turkish region and Turkish village were also mentioned in the meeting.


Erdogan told the businessmen that "I have also to tell you an information I got from the region. It is saddening that Moslem children in this region are taken to be made Christian. This is not the time to do such things. We would never dream of such a thing. This is the moment of oxygen and tents, to make people to live . This is the lesson we got from history."


He also said that "Turkey should not be behind Greece in this aid efforts."