Talat Gets Tough in Cyprus

Speaking to the Turkish Cihan News Agency, Talat said: "Simitis turned out to be right. Because of Denktas, the Cypriot Greek Side joins the E.U. alone and as an enemy of Turkey."

Talat added that the party responsible for this was the Turkish Cypriot side with its incorrect policies.

He said that he views the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) government in Turkey as a great opportunity for Turkey.

"Big mistakes of the former governments have brought Turkey to this point and unfortunately this government now has all the burden. I have the impression that this government makes correct decisions on foreign policy and other issues," added Talat.

‘Our Goals Overlap’

The Cyprus issue will affect Turkey’s entire foreign policy, said Talat.

"It is so obvious that Turkey’s national EU goal passes through here – Cyprus. Saying this can be hard and sad, however, this is the reality. Cyprus now can affect Turkey’s entire foreign policy. So of course cooperation with Turkey will be good. Turkey’s Cyprus policy and our goals overlap."