Successs depends on Cyprus, EU membership

Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Deniz Baykal said the two most important items on Turkey’s foreign policy agenda are recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) in the international arena and securing a date for European Union membership accession talks at an EU summit at the end of the year.

In Mersin to congratulate the CHP winners of the recent local elections, Baykal visited Greater Mersin Municipality Mayor Macit Ozcan and answered journalists’ questions.

In response to a foreign policy question, Baykal said: "We need to obtain international recognition of northern Cyprus. Significant opportunity awaits us. Obtaining the elimination of the embargoes and blockades against the KKTC, opening up an international front for Cyprus, seeking resources to support economic development and rescuing citizens living in northern Cyprus from any kind of isolation constitute our key foreign policy goals. The Foreign Ministry needs to wage a quick and consistent campaign in the international arena."

Drawing attention to the existence of the appropriate environment for achieving positive results from such a battle for the Turkish side’s rights, Baykal noted that the utilization of this opportunity depends on Turkey’s efforts and its swiftly implemented policies.

European membership
Another goal of Turkish foreign policy is getting a date for membership accession talks during the EU summit in December, said Baykal, adding: "We should get a date, complete the negotiations as soon as possible and become part of the EU. The appropriate environment currently exists for this. If we get a date for EU membership accession talks, we will be relieved with regard to our foreign policy."

Stressing that Turkey had fulfilled its responsibilities for EU membership, Baykal said: "Turkey can hold its head high on this issue. It has fulfilled all its responsibilities to the world and has recently arrived at the point of demanding its rights from international society. Our main shortcoming on this subject is difficulty in implementation. The necessary amendments have been made to the Constitution, but they are not yet completely reflected in implementation. We cannot achieve results by leaving all the changes on paper. As we only have a short period of time left, the government needs to act quickly."