Straw: No Return for Turkey !

In an exclusive interview to Hurriyet’s Sedat Ergin, Straw said that The reforms that Turkey carried out for EU membership, made the country enter an irreversible path. We were very much impressed of the progress provided with the AKP government. The rights and life quality of the Turkish citizens are improving.

Asked how he evaluated, the responsibility that the Turkish government assumed on the Cyprus problem, Straw said that; After the formation of AKP government in November, 2002, Turkey displayed her good intention about solving the Cyprus Problem. And consequently, tha stance of the Turkish Cypriots changed a lot and they wanted to solve this problem to enter the EU in May, as a United Cyprus. Also, the Turkish government saw that the Annan Plan’s solutions served national interests

Asked whether he was optimistic about the solution of the Cyprus problem before April, Straw said that; Yes, I am optimist. The negotiations between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots; the positive manner of Turkey and Greece in the New York meeting, last month; the energy and expertise of UN Secretary-General and the technical support of the EU Committee, also the support of the whole world countries, make me think optimistically on this subject.

However, the problems are complex and there is a pressure of time. If we miss the given date, searches for peace will get difficult.

Answering a question on whether Britain will support the request of change of the Turkish side on the Annan Plan, Straw said that ; Britain, as a guarantor power, will support the negotiation period and all requests that will yield a solution. However this requests should be in the favor of both sides. The solution should be for both sides. ..

Straw went on to say that;: Britain’s support for Turkey about EU is comprehensive and it continues for a long time. We want to see you in EU. I am so impressed like my colleagues, from the development of Turkey in the AKP government’s administration. Turkey is working hard to improve itself. It is very clear that the Turkish people want a change in their life style and government wants to pass this big test. Turkey turned towards to EU with these developments. I hope Turkey will meet all the criteria of Copenhagen. If this will happen, EU will treat Turkey like the other candidates and the accession negotiations will begin.