Star Island Homes — Information About The Miami Beach Luxury Community For Star Quality Living

Star Island is a fascinating gated community that floats upon the Biscayne Bay right in between mainland Miami and Miami Beach. As a result, people that are able to live within the island community find that they are granted access to both cities that then allows them to have the best of both worlds.

Being surrounded by the blue waters which happen to be part of the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve has made it possible for the island community to be an exceptional community that offers fabulous luxury homes that are situated upon great waterfront locations that showcase the finest features of the area.

Since the island community is the preference of many high-profile individuals, it becomes necessary to make privacy and security an even bigger priority since none of these famous personalities want to be disturbed as they try to relax within the comfort of their very own Star Island homes which is why the community is seen through by strict security personnel beginning right from the gated entry of the island.

As far as the actual homes are concerned, Star Island homes are known to come in a wide variety of outstanding luxury home properties that are situated upon large lots of land which enable people to have Star Island homes that can go up to more than $20 million in value — an extravagant figure that may seem to be too much for most but proves to be a justified sum considering that the homes that go for these prices tend to have more than twelve bedrooms in total.

One of the more recent Star Island homes that have been sold in 2011 was sold at an auction which had managed to garner a sum value of $12,720,000 for a nine-bedroom luxury home with 8,700 square feet of interior space which was situated upon a lot of 40,000 square feet that came with 100 feet of water frontage area.

If there is any neighborhood within Miami Beach that offers luxury home properties that provide people with the most exceptional living features, that neighborhood would definitely be Star Island as it has proven time and again that living large is always achieved within the community.

Joan Vonnegut