
‘Soaked in red Pakistan has no right…’: India firmly responds to Turkey and Pakistan over Jammu and Kashmir remarks at

India, exercising its ‘Right to Reply’ at the 55th Human Rights Council of the United Nations, firmly addressed references to Jammu and Kashmir by Turkey and Pakistan. Anupama Singh, India’s First Secretary at the UNHRC, dismissed Pakistan’s accusations and criticised its own human rights record as “truly abysmal”. India reiterated that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of the country, emphasising that constitutional measures for socio-economic development are internal affairs. The persecution of minorities in Pakistan, such as the burning of churches in Jaranwala, was highlighted. Turkey received a warning to refrain from commenting on India’s internal matters. Additionally, India underscored the necessity of a terrorism-free environment for normal relations with Pakistan, taking note of Pakistan’s financial challenges.

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