Signal from Greek Cypriots

Dimitris Hristofyas, leader of the Greek Cypriot Communist AKEL party, says that Annan’s plan isn’t dead yet. Maybe he believes that after May 1, the plan will be altered in favor of Greek Cyprus and brought to the table again. In addition, we can already see Greek Cypriots dangling the carrot of EU benefits in order to corner Turkish Cypriots, just as East Germany was pressured into merging with the West.

The EU used Turkey’s hope of getting a date for EU membership talks until the last minute, believing it could thereby control Ankara. However, the results of last weekend’s referendums showed the futility of this method. In the coming days, the EU shouldn’t repeat this mistake by supporting the Greek Cypriots’ stance. It shouldn’t delude itself into thinking Ankara and the Turkish Cypriots will agree to just anything. It should know that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) wants no favors, but only its rights. It’s important for Turkey and the TRNC to take a firm, determined stance against the signals from the Greek Cypriots.

In addition, the stance of the two deputies who resigned this weekend from the TRNC’s Democratic Party (DP) is also important. Having to form a new government now would be a costly distraction. Pressuring one wing of the government and concentrating on domestic problems over foreign affairs would be irresponsible. In an atmosphere where there are strong signals towards ending the TRNC economic embargo and the EU sending a representative to the TRNC, along with EU Commissioner for Enlargement Guenter Verheugen’s statement that the presence of Turkish soldiers on the island is based on international treaties, a government crisis in the TRNC would be a great mistake.”