Sides Agree For the First Time in Cyprus

It has become clear that the Greek and Turkish sides will not agree on any other issues. Therefore, negotiations, which Turkey and Greece will attend as guarantor states, will be conducted at the highest level. Foreign Minister, Abdullah Gul, said yesterday that the ‘representation level could be the foreign ministry first and then the prime ministry’ and added that the high level meeting would most likely be held in a European city. The Turkish side has insisted on ‘high level representation’ in order to ensure fast and efficient negotiations the produce results. Turkey conveyed this request when U.S. Cyprus Representative, Thomas Weston visited Ankara last week.

Meanwhile, Gul said he did not think the new government in Greece would be unfamiliar with the Cyprus issue. The Foreign Minister stated they were in constant contact with the U.S. on the Cyprus issue. When asked if Washington views Turkish ideas positively, he replied that they already support logical things’. Gul also added that every European Union (EU) official he has met so far has thought talks would start with Turkey.

U.S. examines Turkish suggestions

Meanwhile, the U.S. administration has begun to examine Turkey’s suggested revisions to the plan prepared by the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Sources close to the American administration said Turkey’s suggestions were conveyed to U.S. State Department Cyprus Special Coordinator, Thomas Weston. The same sources also added that Washington began to consider these suggestions last Friday. Observers in Washington note that U.S. State Secretary Colin Powell promised that the American side would make efforts to meet the Turkish side’s request for as few revisions as possible.