Shiites don’t want ethnic based govt in Iraq

Following his meeting with the delegation of Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), Dulger told reporters that the delegation wanted Turkey’s support to form a stable state structure in Iraq.

Dulger said that Turkey told them that it could extend more assistance to Iraq when Iraqi people’s will occurred.

Noting that Shiites wanted to be influential in determination of Iraq’s fate being aware that they were the majority, Dulger said that this was their right.

Dulger stated that Turkmen and Shiite representatives in Iraq were against terrorism.

The delegation stated that Islam did not have any connection with terrorism and terrorism could not exist in their territory, Dulger said.

Dulger said that weapons collected from Turkmens and Shiites were distributed to Kurds and some circles wanted to change Turkish existence in Kirkuk.

"Visit of Shiites and Turkmens to Turkey and their demand for Turkey’s support show how influential and strong Turkey is in its region. Allies should take a lesson from this," Dulger said.

Dulger quoted himself as saying in their meeting that Turkey favored preservation of Iraq’s territorial integrity.

He also noted that people’s will should be taken as basis in Iraq’s fate and Iraq’s natural resources should be used by Iraq, Dulger added.