Shiites Call for Uprise Against the United States

Confirming the call by al-Hakim, Council spokesman Abu Eslam al-Saqir said to the Iraqi people that, U.S. domination was no better than the regime of Saddam Hussein for the Iraqi people. The meeting called in Kerbala would mark the 40th day after the anniversary of the murder of Imam Hussein and 72 people with him.

Editorial Note: Imam Hussein was one of Prophet Muhammed’ s grandsons and he was one of the two sons of the Caliph Ali. Imam Hussein and 72 friends of his were murdered by Yezid(Yazid) at Kerbala, of the Umayyad Dynasty in the 7th century. The event is known in Islamic History as “The Tragedy of Kerbela”.

aa/ Tehran, Baghdad / IRAN, IRAQ