Semih, the world’s best billiards player in 2003.

Belgian Caudon finished second with 105 points and Swedish Blondael placed third with 95 points. Sayginer removed any doubt about his number one ranking by finishing off Blondael in the Super Cup match. Sayginer has already set his sights on defending his 2003 championship and said: "I feel very proud of the Turkish People and myself. I did a very important thing in billiards. There is nothing greater than this." With his success, Sayginer proved that Turkey could be successful in amateur sports. Sayginer said that billiards does not draw a great deal of attention in Turkey and in an effort to increase the interest he is coming forward as a candidate for the presidency of the billiards federation in Turkey. "A new formulation is needed for the federation. Our conditions are very limited. We practice in basketball and volleyball saloons. The relation between the federation and the press is very poor. I want to solve the problems. It is a sad day when the best name in billiards cannot find financial opportunities in Turkey," said Sayginer