"Second referendum divides people into four"

Speaking to Bayrak Radio and Television, Denktas said that a second referendum would divide people into four and this would be a disgrace.

Denktas said that the insolubility in Cyprus issue stemmed only from the European Union (EU) which stated that it would accept the membership of Greek Cypriot side as ‘Cyprus’ whether or not a solution was reached in the island. He added that if the EU had not said Cyprus would be an EU member whether or not sides reached an agreement, the issue would have been closed now.

Replying to accusations claiming that the chance was missed in The Hague and Copenhagen due to his attitude, Denktas said that he was distressed with those accusations, adding that TRNC acted together with Turkey in The Hague and Copenhagen where it was under big pressure and he said that no chance was missed.

Denktas stressed that it would be wrong that international community considered that Turkish Cypriots gave up their rights as 65 percent of them voted ‘yes’ to Annan Plan which removes all rights of Turkish Cypriots. He underlined that Turkish Cypriots did not give up sovereignty, bizonality and the guarantee of Turkey.

Noting that it was not acceptable to put land issue into practice the way it was written in Annan Plan, Denktas said that they wanted this issue to be solved in a more civilized way.

Denktas said that he thought that the European Union (EU) would give a negotiation date to Turkey in December because it could put pressure on Turkey regarding Cyprus issue only by this way. He added, "I think they will give a date to carry on their pressure on Turkey. If they do not give a date, they cannot put pressure on Turkey regarding Cyprus issue."

Denktas said that any negotiation on Cyprus issue would not be held at least until December.

Denktas said that he thought Turkey would not start a new negotiation process at least until December, adding that it was a right policy.